Bariatric surgery is currently the most effective weight loss surgery that can
provide long lasting weight loss for those who have been diagnosed as
morbidly obese. This procedure is successful because it makes your
stomach smaller, which means that you will require less food to feel
full. After the surgery has been successfully completed you will also
experience fewer cravings, which will cause you to want to eat less and
you will be able to successfully maintain the weight loss.
bariatric surgical procedures include stomach banding, stomach stapling, gastric balloons and surgical bypass of the stomach. The
common goal of these procedures is limiting food intake to promote
weight loss.
procedure reduces the amount of food you can eat by shrinking your
stomach. After the surgery, the stomach takes the shape of a small pouch
where food enters from the oesophagus. Because the pouch is so small,
it makes it impossible for you to eat larger meals, and you feel full
As a result of bariatric surgery, most patients lose weight rapidly and
continue to lose it until 18 to 24 months after the surgery.
• Patients experience significant improvements in health and quality of life.
• Very few bariatric patients suffer from complications as a result of the surgery.
• Patients suffering from weight-related medical conditions often see improvements within a three-year span.
• The revolutionary laparoscopic approach results in a shorter hospital stay, faster recovery, smaller scars, and less pain.
• Improvement in Obesity-related Disorders
• Bariatric surgery may treat type 2 Diabetes in overweight and obese patients with high blood sugar levels.
It can improve cardiovascular conditions such as hypertension, high
cholesterol and diabetes, as well as breathing disorders such as asthma
and obstructive sleep apnoea.
• Patients with hypertension, in particular, can see vast improvements within 2-3 months following the surgery.
• Stress incontinence can also be resolved through bariatric surgery.
• Weight-related aches and pains usually go away after weight loss surgery.
Cost of Bariatric surgery in India is less than other countries. Valli Hospital Erode , Tamilnadu offers world class facilities.
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